miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

The Three Little Pigs

In the heart of the forest lived three little pigs who were brothers. The wolf
always was chasing them to eat them. In order to escape from the wolf, the pigs
decided to make a house each.
The smallest made his from straw, to finish first and go out to play. The middle one
built a cottage from wood. Seeing that his little brother had finished already, he
hurried to go and play with him. The oldest worked on his house of brick.
'You'll soon see what the wolf does with your houses,' he scolded his brothers but
they were having a great time.
Very soon the wolf came behind the smallest pig and he ran up to his straw cottage,
but the wolf blew and blew and the straw cottage fell down.
The wolf chased after the pig through the forest, who ran to take shelter in the house
of his middle brother. But the wolf blew and blew and the wooden house toppled.
The two little pigs were off like a shot from there.
Breathless, with the wolf hot on their heels, they arrived at the house of their big
brother. The three went inside and firmly closed all the doors and windows.
The wolf stood to think over the house, searching for some place for him to enter.
Using a very long ladder he climbed to the roof, to sneak in by the chimney.
But the big pig put on the fire a pot of water. The greedy wolf went down inside the
chimney but he fell on the boiling water and scalded himself.
He escaped from there giving terrible howls that were heard in all the forest. It is
said that he never ever wanted to eat a little pig.

Luego de leer el cuento, realiza el siguiente crucigrama














  1. Sinonimo de edificar.
  2. Serie de escalones que sirven para subir y bajar.
  3. Personajes principales del cuento.
  4. Lugar donde viven los tres cerditos.
  5. El hermano mayor trabajaba con esfuerzo en ella.
  6. Parentezco de los personajes del cuento.
  7. Sinonimo de alimentarse.
  8. Destruir, caerse una construccion.
  9. Conducto para dar salida al humo.
  10. Subir aun lugar alto ayudandose con manos y pies.
  11. Mamifero carnivoro de pelaje gris oscuro.
  12. Despedir aire con fuerza por la boca.

TaniaVieytes, Maria Victoria Ansin, Claudia Alvarez.

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