lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

The importance of healthy eating habits (Cindy Agüero - Ma. Victoria Conde)

The Importance of Healthy Eating Habits

Life is all about compromises, right? Well, if you think you can ignore your bad eating habits just because you exercise regularly, think again. A mistake that many people make is thinking that if you burn off a ton of calories at the gym you can eat whatever you want. Or, if you’re “naturally” thin you don’t have to watch what you eat. Unfortunately, trading an hour in the gym for a greasy double  cheeseburger or relying on a good metabolism to take the place of healthy eating habits completely misses the point of living a healthy lifestyle…
Eating a healthy diet is far from simple, simply because humans are very complex beings. We may have it in the back of our minds that we are eating to fuel our bodies, but we actually make the majority of our food choices based on their enjoyment factor. In fact, eating is such an enjoyable experience that we often choose to eat foods that taste very good, but that don’t make us feel very good afterward. We also enjoy these foods so much that we eat more than our bodies actually need, which in turn makes us fat, unhappy and depressed. Many people do not even know how great it feels to eat a healthy meal, because they have been making bad food choices for too long. If this sounds all too familiar to you, let’s answer some basic questions about why it’s so important to eat healthy:

Why Should I Make Healthy Food Choices?
To truly understand the importance of establishing healthy eating habits, you need to ask yourself a very simple question: “Why do humans need to eat?” (Note the use of the word “need,” not “want.”) Simply put, humans need to eat to supply their bodies with nutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals) that then supply the body with fuel for energy, aid in tissue growth and repair, act in various biochemical reactions, and much, much more. The basic need for food is pretty simple and could be compared to putting gas in your car. If you put the right fuel into your car, it will spring to life with a single turn of the key and run smoothly for many years, but if you put soda pop and sugar in your gas tank, it’s going to ruin your car. In this sense, your car and your body are very much alike. They both run well on the right kind of fuel, but will deteriorate over time if you neglect their basic fueling needs. 


Text "The importance of healthy eating habits"

En esta página encontrarás además del texto completo, dietas que te ayudarán a estar saludable!!!

  • Alimetación Saludable
  • Hábitos
  • Salud
  • Alimentación


Alimentación saludable: Es la ingesta de alimentos balanceados, los cuales deben ser de diferente índole. Es decir vegetales, legumbres, grasas, lácteos, entre otros, en una porción adecuada.

Hábitos: Es la costumbre de realizar una acción habitualmente.

Salud: Es el estado de bienestar bio-psico-social de una persona

Alimentación: Ingesta de aluimentos que realiza el hombre para satisfacer necesidades

Diálogo con el autor:

Consideramos que para tener nuestro cuerpo saludable y cuidado, no es solo necesario tener buenos háitos alimenticios sino también realizar ejercicios diariamente. Además hay que tener en cuenta que la salud tiene que ver también con un aspecto psicológico y social. Para ellos es necesario realizar actividades recreativas y de intercambio con otras personas.
Es importante recordar que los seres humanos cuando se alimentan lo hacen por necesidades energéticas y no por placer.

¿Quieres saber cuánto aprendiste sobre la alimentación saludable?

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