miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

Classification of Musical Instruments

 Mariana Sánchez - Jessica Alvez da Cruz - Katherine Berasategui      

    Classification of Musical Instruments


Musical Instruments are classifed according to five major catergories, based on the sound produced by the vibrating material. This system of classification was invented by musicologist Curt Sachs, and it is now universally accepted. This system was later named the Sachs-Hornbostel system.

1) Idiophones - Self sounding instruments. They are of naturally sonourous material. They may be struck, shaken, plucked, or rubbed. A few examples of struck idiophones are bells, cymbals, and lithophones. Shaken Idiophones are rattles. An example of plucked idiophones are harps, and an example of rubbed idiophones are harmonicas.

2) Membranophones - Instruments producing sound by means of a stretched skin, or membrane. Some examples are kettledrums, snare drums, and tambourines. Some of these drums are rubbed instead of struck.

3) Aerophones - Wind instruments. The sound is caused by vibrating air. In Tubular Aerophones, the air is inclosed in a tube in 3 ways: 1) Trumpets and Horns - The players compressed lips set the air into motion 2) Reed Instruments (clarinet, saxaphone, oboe) - a single or double beeting reed sets the air into motion 3) Flutes: The sharp edge of a hole, against which the players breath is directed, sets the air into motion

Most saxophones, flutes, and many clarinets are made of metal. Horns and trumpets haven been made of other materials such as wood, ivory tusk, animal horn, gold, and clay.

4) Chordophones - String instruments. 4 types: a) Zithers - neckless instruments, with strings stretched from end to end of a board. They are struck or plucked. b) Lutes - instruments with necks. They may be plucked or bowed. c) Lyres - Instruments with two projecting arms linked by a crossbar. May be plucked or bowed d) Harps - instruments in which the string's plane is at an angle, rather than parallel to the sound board.

 5) Electrophones Instruments using electronic circuits. Amplification of Sound - May use an electronic circuit to reinforce means of amplification. Examples: Electric guitar, electric piano.

Se clasifican según su fuente generadora de sonido: viento, percusión y cuerda.
¿Es la única clasificación que existe?

Existen varias clasificaciones:
membranófonos, idiófonos, cordófonos, electrófonos y aerófonos

A través de las páginas de universidades o escuelas de música

True or false: 

1- Las clasificaciones son en base a fuentes generadoras de sonido.

2- El piano es un electrófono.

3- La fuente generadora de sonido de los idiofonos es por la vibración del aire.

4- Los cordofonos se clasifican en dos tipos.

Multiple choice

Curt Sachs era un:
  • músico
  • docente
  • musicólogo

Dentro de la categoría de idiófonos se encuentra:
  • campana
  • guitarra
  • saxofón

Los membranódofos producen sonido por medio de:
  • una piel estirada
  • un conjunto de cuerdas
  • viento

Un conjunto de cordófonos:
  • guitarra, pandereta y piano
  • piano, saxofón y batería
  • banjo, guitarra y arpa

Cuál de los siguientes no es un aerófono:
  • oboe
  • clavietta
  • clave

En los aerófonos el sonido se produce por:
  • la vibración del aire
  • golpe sobre el instrumento
  • frotación

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